Aluminium Windows

With a range of configuration options, our aluminium windows offer a versatile solution to fit the needs of every home in Plymouth, Devon, Cornwall and the wider South West region.

Excellent Thermal Efficiency

We offer aluminium windows with market leading A-rated thermal performance for both double and triple glazed units. In fact, our aluminium windows were the first to achieve A-rated aluminium double glazed window system in the market.

Outstanding Weathering Performance

With built-in water and acoustic barriers, drainage paths, high quality air seals and the use of the latest manufacturing technologies, our aluminium windows provide long-lasting protection against the everchanging British climate and provide exceptional soundproofing.


Our aluminium windows are all third-party tested to ensure they meet all security regulations for new build developments and provide protection against burglars. Most of our systems are also certified by PAS 24, Secured by Design, and BRE A-rated on the green guide.

Flexible Design

Manufactured to the highest standards, our aluminium windows are available in depths of 58 mm, 70 mm, 77 mm with a variety of finishing and colour options to ensure every design is achievable.

What’s more, a range of aesthetic styles offers further flexibility; you can select from Chamfered, Ovolo, Square or Putty line options. Double beaded options allow internal glazing without the use of dummy vents.

In addition to all this, aluminium windows are available in almost all types of opening options, including open in or open out, side hung or top hung, tilt and turn, French casements and fixed light and multi-light options.